Library of Things - Special Items for Loan
- Free for library Members to Borrow
- We do not allow holds on the Telescope or Snowshoes
- Please come in to borrow
- You may call to check availability

Reach for the Stars and Beyond!
The circulation period is 4-days so that many patron may enjoy them.
Visit our Catalog / Click Menu Tab Above and then - Library of Things and Passes

Want to try Snowshoeing?
We have them to loan sized Toddler - Adult. The circulation period is 4-days so that many patron may enjoy them.
Visit our Catalog / Click Menu Tab Above and then - Library of Things and Passes

Need to Check material Dampness before you construct?
The circulation period is 4-days so that many patron may enjoy them.
Visit our Catalog / Click Menu Tab Above and then - Library of Things and Passes
The circulation period is 4-days so that many patron may enjoy them.
Visit our Catalog / Click Menu Tab Above and then - Library of Things and Passes

Have we got Puzzles!
Small to 1000's of pieces - we have them all.
Puzzles circulate for 3-weeks.
All we ask is that you count the pieces prior to returning.
If any are missing - no big deal.
Puzzles must be returned in person - they will not fit in the book drop.