On Line Resources:
for all services as Below
User = your 14 digit library card #
Pass = last 4 digits of the phone# we have on file for you
for all services as Below
User = your 14 digit library card #
Pass = last 4 digits of the phone# we have on file for you

Udemy: A Database for Reference, Carerr Research, Learning for Curious Minds and so much more! Here you will also fine "Peterson's Test and Career. Chilton's Car Manuals and much more! It is an online learning platform for adults who want to improve work-related skills or further develop a personal interest. Users can search through thousands of continuously updated, on-demand video coursed across 75 categories in business, technology, design and more including courses taught by native speaker is 12 languages.

Vermont Ancestry Research
Vermont residents can research Vermont birth, marraige and death records from 1909-2008on Ancestry.com for free if they first sign up for a FREE MyVermont.Gov account. Provided by the Vermont Department of Libraries.
Vermont residents can research Vermont birth, marraige and death records from 1909-2008on Ancestry.com for free if they first sign up for a FREE MyVermont.Gov account. Provided by the Vermont Department of Libraries.

ABLE Library Services is a free talking book and braille library service for patrons who are blind or visually impaired. ABLE is a Vermont Department of Libraries service for all Vermonters.

Family Search is Very Similar to another popular application. This is FREE. Search for records, create your family tree, and pull records from their extensive database. Provided by the Vermont Department of Libraries.

About CLIC - The Community Legal Information Center provides legal reference services to Vermont’s general public. Founded in 2015, CLIC is funded by a grant from the Vermont Department of Libraries and is operated by librarians and staff of Vermont Law & Graduate School.